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Custom Design Solution

ANIAN is the premier Internet of Things integrator in Brunei, providing custom designed solutions for enterprises and government. Our platform enables our customers to deploy and generate value from our devices and applications.

IoT Smart Water , Wastewater and Utilities

Anian solutions address the challenges of water and waste water utilities whereby systems can be enhanced by IoT monitoring and reduce maintenance and operations cost for effective water management and public satisfaction enhancement.

River Level & Flood Monitoring

Areas proned to climate changes likely have occurance of heavy rainfalls. With Anian battery powered river-level and flow IoT  devices with rain measurements, flood-prone areas and rivers can be monitored remotely. Anian IoT solutions help in better risk management and disaster mitigation.

Efficient Water Management

Efficient water management helps protect and conserve water resources for future generations. Using Anian IoT solutions in water systems help remote monitoring without on-site workforce and enable quick decision-making to allocate resources and enhance system availability and public satisfaction.

Sewerage Waste water Management

Waste management is necessary for a clean and toxic-free environment, especially when it comes to water management and sewer pipes. Anian IoT solution helps to ensure sewerage systems can operate whereby problem it faced can be detected early.

IoT Smart Building Management

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Anian is providing low cost but efficient IoT Solutions to monitor building assets and environment allowing workers and end users to enjoy safe environment and building owners to leverage on Anian solution to ensure energy efficiency and assets security.

Environment & Hygiene Monitoring

Safe environment and hygiene plays a cricial part for comfort and better quality of life. Anian IoT Solution helps sense and monitor parameters such as air quality, water quality, toilet cleanliness and gel dispenser for better health and environment for public health and environment for public and helps improve waste management.

Building Monitoring & Disaster Mitigation

Equipment malfunctions leading to disaster are more likely to happen withut proper monitoring systems. With  Anian low cost Building Management System using IoT, issues can be detected at early stage. Anian IoT slutions help in building risk management and emergency responses.

Energy Consumption & Space Optimisation

Unnecessary and unmonitored energy consumption and cluttered areas leads to high cost. With Anian IoT solution such as power and water monitoring, HVAC systems, office space optimisation, helps in better resource and space management to optimise efficiency and productivity.

Optimise Operational Expenses

  • Optimise Workforce

  • Lower Expenses for Maintenance and Operations

Increase Public Satisfaction

  • Reduce Customers Complaints

  • Better Quality of Living and Comfort

  • Enhance Water Safety

Operational Efficiency

  • Early Alerts and Problem Detection

  • Faster Decision-Making and Improve Risk Management

  • Reduce Service Interruption

IoT Smart Agriculture

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Anian Smart Agriculture solutions address the challenges of agriculture whereby crops monitoring, farming systems livestock management and fish farming can be enhanced by IoT monitoring to reduce operational costs and increase production.

Crop Management

Farm Management

Smart Aquaculture

Crop growth and production is mainly affected by soil sondition and climate. With Anian Smart Agriculture solutions monitoring parameters such as soil moisture temperature, irrigation, water quality, wather stations, crops can be monitored to ensure risks mitigation and best environment to help in crop yield production and quality.

Smart Agriculture for farm management is important to ensure proper farm operations and production safety. Anian offers Smart agriculture solutions to monitor farm qeuipment and parameters such as soil level, live stock tracking, generators, pumps water distribution, security. This helps in farm efficient operations, traceability and issues detections at an early stage.

The use of smart solutions for aquaculture is essential to increase fish or shrimps production. Using Anian Smart Aquaculture solutions such as water quality monitoring for ponds help detect issue at early stage, keep an optimal environment to increase fish production and decrease operational costs by controlling ponds aeration based on water Dissolved Oxygen level (DO).

Optimise Revenue & Operational

  • Increase Work Space Usage

  • Lower Operational Expenses

Increase Work & Public Satisfaction

  • Increase Workers and Public Safety

  • Reduce Employee Absence

  • Better Working Environment and Comfort

Operational Efficiency

  • Early Alerts and Problem Detection

  • Faster Decision-Making and Improve Risk Management

  • Reduce Service Interruption

Optimise Revenue & Operational

  • Optimise Workforce

  • Lower Expenses for Maintenance and Operations

  • Increase Farm Productivity

Improve Farm Product Quality

  • Increase Food Quality

  • Enhance Food Safety

Operational Efficiency

  • Early Alerts and Problem Detection

  • Faster Decision-Making and Improve Risk Management

  • Reduce Service Interruption

IoT Telecommunication and Data Centre

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Anian is providing low cost but efficient IoT solutions to monitor telecom infrastructure and data centres environment allowing to prevent equipment faults and downtime, and reduce operating costs.

Asset Protection & Security

Data Centre: Equipment Room Monitoring & Disaster Prevention

Telecom Infrastructure Monitoring

Access Management and Assets Security are critical to prevent unauthorised entries and equipment theft.  Anian IoT Solutions such as manhole opening, door opening, presence detection, assets and workers locations and access management help in protecting companies access and limiting service downtime.

Equipment malfunctions leading to disasters are more likely to happen without a proper remote monitoring system. With Anian low cost datacentre monitoring system using IoT, equipment and machinery functioning status, and also disasters early alerts can be monitored and issues detected at early stage. Anian IoT solutions help in improving customers SLA with proper risk management and emergency responses.

Without a proper remote monitoring system, qeuipment malfunctions at telecom site leading to disasters are more likely to happen. Equipment and machinery functioning status and disasters early alerts can also be monitored and issues detected at an early stage. Anian IoT Solutions help in improving customers SLA with proper risk management and emergency responses.

Optimise Operational Expenses

  • Optimise Workforce

  • Lower Expenses for Maintenance and Operations

Increase Public Satisfaction

  • Higher Service Availability

  • Reduce Customer Complaints

  • Enhance Public Satisfactions

Operational Efficiency

  • Early Alerts and Problem Detection

  • Faster Decision-Making and Improve Risk Management

  • Reduce Service Interruption

IoT Asset Tracking & Geolocation

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Anian provides cost-efficient IoT solutions that address the challenges of people and asset management and security whereby monitoring of animals, vehicles, objects and persons can be enhanced by seamless indoor and outdoor positioning offering better visibility for safer and more efficient business operations.

Asset Tracking & Management

People Safety & Security


Proper asset tracking and management helps secure and monitor companies properties. With Anian IoT Solutions such as equipment inventory management, real-time equipment location and usage rate, equipment life cycle monitoring, warehouse management, freight logistics optimisation and asset management, seamless good tracking, supply chain management, helps in being cost-efficient, make better resource allocation and decision making.

Both public  and workers may be exposed to hazard especially in unmonitored environment. With Anian IoT Solutions such as SOS emergency and alerts for nurses and patients in hospitals, constractor monitoring at industrial sites, safe and hazardous zone detection, theft prevention, helps in improving workforce and public safety, operation efficiency and better productivity.

When tracker is inside or outside of the geofence range, it will send notifications to business applications. These tracker positions can be based on WiFi, GPS or Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE). Using Anian IoT Solutions helps in determining geographic areas and boundaries for better asset and workforce monitoring, and early alerts to detect issue at early stages.

Optimise Operational Expenses

  • Optimise Work Productivity

  • Reduce Labour Time and Costs

  • Minimise Over-Stocking Reducing Emergency Reserves

  • Prevent Theft and Misplacement

Improve Service Satisfaction

  • Reduce Customers and Workers Complains

  • Improve Customer Satisfaction

  • Improve Delivery Time & Service

Asset & Operational Efficiency

  • Early Alerts and Problem Detection

  • Equipment and Maintenance Efficiency

  • Improve Visibility and Productivity

  • Improve Asset Turnover

©2023 Anian Sdn Bhd

Find Us At:

Unit B, 190, Spg 528, Jln Muara, Kpg Sungai Hanching Baru, Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei, BC2115

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